I don't like the size of the game, it is very large! Also, please try to use English only. Overall a fun game. I must have forgotten something to say lol.
I don't like the size of the game, it is very large! Also, please try to use English only. Overall a fun game. I must have forgotten something to say lol.
Thanks for commenting :)
I'm really blocked about the size of the game it's a Newgrounds website limitation it's static size but i can reduce it :/
about language ,it's one of my first game so I code it in french because it's my birth language and I'm not really good in english ^^', I notice most people talk in english so I set english language by default in next release and improve it :) ! My future games will surely be in English
Thx for commenting I appreciate ;)
Except this game is great, I got stuck in a wall...
Yeah I wasn't the best at collision back then. Thankfully you can slowly back out of walls in this game, though!
And thanks so much for checking out my older games Milina! :D
Simple and confusing. Maybe another soundtrack, but still great!
Thanks! Back five years ago I was so proud of how simple the idea was xD
Too hard for me, but I like the reversed idea. If there was difficulties, I would be happy and survive longer. Then if that was addded, we would need different leaderboards.
Gotcha, thanks for the feedback!
My argument for making it easier is: why prolong the inevitable? In my opinion, with shorter game times, you can try new strategies and not feel like improvement is too far out of reach. :]
I have disabled cheats in one world, and enabled in another world, but when I get the achievements in the world with disabled cheats, I still don't get the game medals. I hope it is something that you can fix!
Another thing is that Newgrounds medals are only unlocked in survival mode. But I haven't heard of this ever being a problem yet. :O
If you are receiving the achievements in-game, then if it gets fixed, all you have to do is open your inventory to update the medals on Newgrounds. No worries :] I'll check it out.
Thanks for letting me know!
Joined on 10/19/16